The Disco Tree Variety show is a unique event that features artist from different genres, psychedelic lighting and a dance party celebration. Robert Montemarano (creator of Disco Tree) has been performing in NYC for over 20 years as a musician, DJ and comic. This Brooklyn native brings together rock stars, comics, rappers, dancers, fire spinners, performance artists and random weirdos from Burning Man. Stick around until the end for a disco dance party featuring pro DJS from NYC. You never know what you will see at the Disco Tree.
The Disco Tree at Wonderville
Host/Comic Sick Phat Tight @sickphattight
Comic Kayt Hester @K8balls_o_fire
Musical Artist -Mack Aroni @elfofnyc
Band-The Resolved- @theresolvedband
Dj Doug Witte- @dougwitte
Rapper KNOBAD- @iknobad
DJ DiscoTree @discotreenyc
Comic Meka Mo @mekasocial
Rapper Domo @domosxcrazy
Singer Susannah Perlman
Producer/Comics Robert Montemarano @robmcomedy
More performers TBA!!!