πππππππ LOVE ME, PLAY ME πππππππ An evening of analog & digital games celebrating love of all kinds. Games for one, games for two, games for many.
Featuring: With You by Carol Mertz (http://carolmertz.com/) a cooperative two-player puzzle-playground designed as a collaborative, playful space for couples
Checkers 2: The Sequel to Checkers: It's About Girls This Time by d.h. croasdill (https://twitter.com/hotlocalwizards) a queer dating sim for two players & a checkers board
We Miss the Moon by Jason Guisao (https://twitter.com/jason_guisao) and Jude Pinto (https://twitter.com/garden_robot) a short, experimental walking simulator about two lesbian girlfriends who are trying to find one another in a sea of disembodied voices
Grass Mud Horse by Toby Do (https://tobydo.itch.io/), Emi Schaufeld (https://emischaufeld.itch.io/), and Julia Wang (https://juliayw.itch.io/) a PS1 inspired first-person video game about what it's like to work on a film set
Good Sex by Danny Hawk (https://dannyhawk.com/) a video game about communicating your way through a good session of sex
Pygmalion Lied by Isabella Ness (https://twitter.com/_decibella) and I. N. ArsΓ©n (https://www.inarsen.com/) Learning how to mourn is hard enough on its own. Rediscovering a long-dormant truth along the way makes it all the more complicated.
Default Sunset by Fran Rojo (https://twitter.com/franmorojo) vibe out and watch the default unity sunset
Get Your Rocks On by Sabine Harrer, Simon Johnson, Ida Marie Toft (https://www.copenhagengamecollective.org/) Get Your Rocks On is a game where you allow your idle hands to roll over each others' rocks.
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No Smoke by Beau Mcghee (https://twitter.com/bmcghee89) and d.h. croasdill (https://twitter.com/hotlocalwizards)
Ending It by Karina Popp (http://kpopp.io/)
RAIN / REIGN by Jude Pinto (https://twitter.com/garden_robot)
and i made sure to hold your head sideways by Jenny Jiao Hsia (https://twitter.com/q_dork)
mamma mia: here we go again and again and again by d.h. croasdill (https://twitter.com/hotlocalwizards)
please talk to me by Easton Self (https://twitter.com/eastonself)
hubol got emotionally poisoned in Iowa by hubol (https://twitter.com/hubol)
Best Friends by Julia Del Matto (https://twitter.com/JuliaDelMatto)
fruitflesh by d.h. croasdill (https://twitter.com/hotlocalwizards)
be happy; luv ur rock by Katy Koop (http://katykoop.com/)
novena by Cecile Richard (https://twitter.com/haraiva)