To the lovers, haters, sowers, and reapers, come celebrate the release of Purgatory Comics Press' first ever comics anthology, PCP VOL. 1: SOWING AND REAPING.
With over 100 pages of comics and comics adjacent media, PCP Vol. 1 is a descent into the minds of 19 creators, with an eclectic mix of comics ranging from poetry comic by Ignatz award winner Leo Fox to collaborative comic debut by artist Brittany Alexander and writer Ro Miller. Not to mention the centerfold featuring a hand-collaged interview by with Black Anarchist cartoonist, Ben Passmore.
The anthology will be available for purchase, alongside comics, zines, and other delightful wares. PCP will be joined by multiple comics creators from the anthology, including but not limited to, author of The Shapes Samuel Edme, zinester Mercy Michaud, mixed media artist Renfield Peale, comics creator Isaac Roller, and more.
Join us for a late afternoon of yummy bevs, tasteful gaming, and tasteless comics. PCP and co. will be tabling in the main game hall from 3 pm until 7 pm, but the celebration won't stop until I say it does.
Admission is FREE with RSVP. SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL ARTISTS, COMICS CREATORS, AND SMALL PRESSES! Looking forward to seeing you all there. To learn more about PCP, follow us on Instagram @purgatorycomicspress or check out our site