July 2020 marks twelve months of movies being screened at an indie art-cade/event space (or in more recent months, on the Twitch channel run by it). So to mark the occasion, Cineveille at Wonderville is proud to present a very special double feature presentation.
It's the live action adaptation of Speed Racer by The Wachowskis & Michael Mann's Heat, infused with a massive dose of a e s t h e t i c. You won't find any info on IMDB, so here's a few words from one of its creators...
"racerwave and heatwave are the first two products of a group of nameless faceless restless editors based in los angeles who now go by racer trash. you can follow us on twitter or instagram @racertrash. we break movies into waves and make them vibe and stitch what's left back together for screenings on twitch, which usually happen without much notice if any. our domain is the shadow. but also we like to hang out in the chat and talk to each other using our real names. you cannot trace us, you cannot find us. again that social media handle is @racertrash. headphones recommended, play loud."
We must also kindly ask, in lieu of birthday money, that donations be directly made to VOCAL-NY (https://www.vocal-ny.org/).