August 13th 7:30PM - 10PM
Free to Play
It's high noon in this barren wasteland, and only one of you is making it out alive. Sure, you could try and shoot them right between the eyes - but where's the fun in that? Red Hot Ricochet is an intense game of ricochet duels, and you'll need wise shooting, lucky bounces, and a bit of triggernometry to win.
Wonderville will host a 3v3 tournament for this indie game developed by NYC-based Wyatt Yeong. The top team will win some free drinks and Steam keys to download the game!
Sign-Ups: 7:30pm
Tournament Start: 9:00pm
Bonus Game: Damaged In Transit
Split your attention in Damaged In Transit! This mind-bending action-puzzler will leave you cross-eyed as you juggle two delivery drones and help them ship their precious cargo. Spikes, pitfalls, and enemy robots will threaten your shipment over 100 levels. Embrace the miracle of automated delivery!