Retrospec's Crate curated by Retrospec & Geedorah's Joint (@geedorahs_joint). With live performances by:
- Ace SL (@aceboon718) spotify
- Ox Omni (@ox_omni) spotify
- Emilio Craig (@emilio_esteefan) spotify
- Micah Write (@micahwrite) Chinatown Sound youtube video
- Black Chai (@blackchai19) linktree
- HooksArthur (@hooksarthur) spotify
- Lashawn Freeman (@iamlashawnfreeman) spotify
- Retrospec (@retrospec88) spotify
- Leoh My God (@leoohmygod) spotify
Hosted by Herny Blanco (@henryblancoiscorrupted)
Tickets $10 in advance, $15 at the door come thru!!!!