We’re still rockin. We’re still rollin. Your friendly neighborhood TTRPG Meetup is Back!
Saison Zero is a monthly tabletop role play game meetup dedicated to introducing folks to games other than just D&D. Light on rules, rich in flavor.
This month we're holding open tables for Troika! TROIKA! A little bit of everything and a lot of everything else. You and your cosmopolitan group of fellow travelers explore the ends of the multiverse. This Sci-fi RPG is designed to be wonderous to play and simple to run. NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY.
This is a beginner friendly event. Rulebooks and other resources will be available. We encourage you to bring dice if you have them and something to write with, but we’ll have extras! Questions? Reach out to @theRealRickolas on IG or email saisonzeronyc@gmail.com. The event is free, and open to all with an open mind and imagination! #ttrpg #ttrpgdice #dice #rpgdice #troika #troikarpg